Karibu Sana

Creating opportunities through education in Kenia

Just in Nairobi, 60,000 unaccompanied minors go hungry and wander the streets, forgotten by the world and their families, without access to basic education.

In this context, Karibu Sana aims to help underprivileged children in Kenya to go to school and receive a quality education that will enable them to build a future for themselves, their family and their community.

*The first 250€ donated to our Foundation has a deduction of 80%.

Find out about the tax advantages of your help for Spanish resident and for non-residents who pay income tax in Spain.

How can you help?

Support the work of Karibu Sana:


Tuition fee and school supplies


Support to educational centres in Kibera: Desert Streams of Kibera and Transform School


Rehabilitation and rescue centre for street children

A stable (monthly) income is necessary to ensure the sustainability of each child’s education over time.

Social Promotion Foundation and Karibu Sana

Due to the importance that the Social Promotion Foundation attaches to education, considering it an engine of change and an essential element for development, since 2017, it has integrated and managed the Karibu Sana project, founded in 2016 by Javier Aranguren, philosopher and professor at the Francisco de Vitoria University (UNF).

The Karibu Sana project aims to ensure that the children attend school regularly in the key years of basic skills acquisition and acquire a level of education that will enable them to develop professionally and escape from marginalisation and poverty. School also ensures two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) and allows mothers time to look for work.

The project mainly works with children in the slums of Kibera in Nairobi, where the population lives in shantytowns without running water, latrines or safe electricity.

The Karibu Sana project ensures an education and a future for so many children in Kenya through scholarships (tuition and school supplies). It also supports the Kwetu Home of Peace – run by the Catholic Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of Eldoret, who rescue street boys aged 6 to 14, rehabilitate them and reintegrate them into society – and schools of Kibera: Desert Streams of Kibera y Transform School.