SOS Venezuela

COVID-19 context
Water | Medicines | Food

SOS VENEZUELA of Social Promotion Foundation aims to provide families in maximum vulnerability situation with food and medicine in the context of the crisis and COVID-19 in Venezuela and to promote access to drinking water in rural areas of the country.

*The first 250€ donated to our Foundation has a deduction of 80%.

Find out about the tax advantages of your help for Spanish resident and for non-residents who pay income tax in Spain.

Health crisis

COVID-19 aggravates already weak health system

Educational exclusion

School absenteeism due to the search for new income.
Limited internet access which makes remote classes difficult

Food insecurity

81% of households cannot meet basic food needs

Increased violence and insecurity

Confinement increases vulnerability

Insufficient income

Millions of families lack the resources to buy basic goods

Shortage of supplies

Limited access to fuel, water, electricity and communications (internet)

How can you help?

The funds received will go to support the Association for Art and Science (ASAC), Venezuela.


Contribute to the implementation of a drinking water well.


Cover the most urgent needs for medicines.


Meet the basic needs of a family’s food shopping basket.

Humanitarian Projects of Social Promotion and ASAC in Venezuela

The Association for Art and Science (ASAC) carries out various programmes for Venezuelan families in the central part of the country, in the metropolitan area and in rural areas affected by food and medicine shortages.

Currently, in consortium with the Civil Association for the Promotion of Women KASANAY, a project is being developed to ensure the water supply to the population of the community of El Palo, mainly indigenous people in a situation of poverty, through the implementation of a water well.

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