We work for the dignity of all people, so that they are protagonists of their own development. We guarantee their access to fundamental rights, promoting justice, equality and respect for cultural diversity, which contributes to peace.
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2023 financial report data.
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Letter from Fatima, a young volunteer, from the ground zero of DANA
(Fátima Llorente, in the centre of the photo, with her sisters Rocío and María, whom they met directly in Paiporta) I am Fátima Llorente De Santiago, I am 21 years old and I am a 4th year student of Economics and International Studies at the Carlos III University of...
Our colleague María Fernanda Villacrés, from Paiporta (Valencia): “The third sector has given us a lesson in efficiency and immediate response from close proximity to the affected population”
María Fernanda Villacrés is part of our Projects team based in Valencia. She lives with her family in Paiporta, one of the main scenes of the terrible DANA of last October 29th. In recent weeks, María Fernanda has experienced many events first-hand. Fortunately, she...