Currently, the world is confronted with the highest level of suffering since World War II; this situation has led Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations to coven the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul on May 23-24, 2016. This Summit, celebrated for...
“Since 2007, the Fundación Awards recognize individual and institutional social commitment which plays a relevant role in making the world a better place.” (Fundación MAPFRE). In 2015, Fundacion MAPFRE has granted the FPSC with the Best Initiative in...
On 11th May, the FPSC was inviated to participate in the presentation of an alliance for peace and food security between FAO and Nobel Peace Laureates, within the framework of the formal agreement that the foundation has with FAO. The presentation was celebrated in...
Last Friday, 6th May, Santa Mónica School (Madrid) invited the FPSC to give a raising awareness course about its work with Syrian and Iraqi refugees, as a part of a plan whose goal is that students, parents and teachers increase awareness about this reality and...
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