Last April 5th, the foundation took part in the IEB Solidarity Forum X edition. This solidarity event is celebrated every year and brings together more than 30 Foundations and NGOs in the IEB headquarter, in order to introduce the social work that they perform,...
On March 31st the project “Emergency humanitarian aid to people with disabilities from the refugees camps in Gaza that ensures the protection of their rights” was finished. The project aimed to ensure a quality access to the basic health services and the...
On July 28th 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared access to clean water and sanitation a human right. Before that, in 1993, it established March 22nd as the World Water Day, dedicating this day to the celebration of specific activities to make people...
Coinciding with the 5th anniversary of the war in Syria, María López de Haro, Head of Mission of FPSC in Jordan, participated in RNE_Radio 1’s programme “Esto me suena. Las tardes del ciudadano García” and in the programme “La Mañana, Fin de Semana” from Cadena...
It’s the 5th anniversary of the start of the conflict in Syria, what has meant a humanitarian drama just seen before during the WWII and, according to ACNUR, 4.715.695 Syrian refugees in nearby countries such as Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt or Iraq. Moreover, 7,6...