16 July, 2024
Advancing socio-economic development of vulnerable and displaced local communities in southern Lebanon

At the end of the first semester of 2024, we are beginning to see how some of the objectives that had been set for this year are already being achieved within the framework of the Agreement that we are developing in southern Lebanon.

In consortium with the NGO AIDA, in collaboration with our local partner Association for the Development of Rural Capacities (ADR) and with funding from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), we have been working since 2023 on the development of this initiative, which aims to promote the strengthening and social stability of vulnerable and displaced communities in this area of the country.

In a context characterised by growing economic and political instability, we seek to address the complex and delicate situation experienced by a considerable part of the local Lebanese and Syrian refugee population. These communities are seeing their living conditions increasingly weakened, reaching, in many cases, mere subsistence levels.

In order to achieve economic empowerment and promote social cohesion between the Lebanese government, organisations and people whose rights are being violated, we are implementing vocational training courses, micro-credit programmes and awareness-raising sessions. All these actions are having a special component of gender equality and care for the environment.

Vocational training and microcredit programme

In 2024, 18 vocational training courses are planned, of which 8 have already been completed and 3 are underway. A total of 72 participants, including Syrians, women, men and youth (under 29 years old) attended and graduated from the completed courses.

These courses have covered a wide range of professional topics: food catering, nail care, online business, beekeeping, garment mending, hairdressing, nursery work and event organisation. Through these trainings, we are promoting the strengthening of the technical skills needed to access the labour market and, thus, promote job opportunities among these communities.

Along the same lines, we are providing support to productive enterprises through various microcredit programmes. Thus, in this first half of the year, 52 applications received were approved, although the forecast for the whole year includes the disbursement of 156 loans.

Awareness-raising sessions

The development of this Convention in South Lebanon also includes the creation of Rapid Response Units at the institutional level, which aim to reduce risk and increase social cohesion and socio-economic development of the participating population.

Several awareness-raising sessions have been held in conjunction with these units and ADR, supported by volunteers who were trained for this purpose earlier in the year. Using an interactive approach, 17 sessions out of the 36 planned for 2024 have already been held in the villages of the Union of Tyre Municipalities (Bourghlieh, Chabriha, Al Halousieh, Al remadieh, Barich, Bedyas, Betoulaye, Deir Ames, Deir Qanoun Al Nahr, Hanawaye, Jbal al Botom, Marakeh, Qana, Sidiqin, Sour, Sour (Al Bass), Toura).

Thirty women participated in these sessions and, due to the good results, some municipalities specifically requested to organise these activities in their communities.

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