Social Promotion Foundation joins, in the celebration of International Women’s Day (8th March), with the United Nations’ claim that women of the world want and deserve an equal future free of stigma, stereotypes and violence; a future that is sustainable,...
These university women are called multipliers within the activity developed by our local partner ANDECU. Their training is very important so that they can later go to more remote rural areas and train women from the departments of Managua, Masaya and Carazo in...
The latest issue of the magazine ‘Tesla’ of the Official Association of Industrial Engineers of Madrid includes an article about our work in rural areas of Ethiopia and Palestine, which Social Promotion Foundation implements in the framework of two...
From Social Promotion Foundation, on the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, we join the objective of contributing to raise awareness to expand and lead the efforts for the elimination of this practice. “Female Genital Mutilation...
On 31 January, the rural development project in Nekemte, in the Oromiya region (Ethiopia), funded by the Regional Government of Valencia, came to an end. After two and a half years of implementation and in spite of the many challenges that this project has entailed...
Education, for the Social Promotion Foundation, is the engine of change. Education and development are closely related. Therefore, in its development work, this sector is a priority, and the Foundation has allocated more than 40% of its resources to actions that...
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