This year, marked by growing inequality due to the pandemic, the Foundation’s commitment to continue promoting human development and a culture of solidarity has intensified, which in 2021 has materialized in achieving better and more dignified living conditions,...
On May 14, a fair of traditional Palestinian products (agricultural and textiles) was held in the town of Al-Jalameh on the occasion of the celebration of the Zara and Zajal festival. The fair, organized by the A.M. Qattan Foundation was attended by several of the...
In the context of our agreement in Palestine, round tables were held yesterday in Ramallah (West Bank) and Gaza during the commemoration of Women’s Day 2022, in which we were lucky enough to celebrate with our right holders and with Women’s cooperatives...
From the Social Promotion Foundation and the Women and Equality Observatory (OMEI) we join the celebration of International Women’s Day, which is celebrated every March 8 around the world and whose motto this year is “Gender equality today for a...
UN Women publishes the official documentation for the sixty-sixth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) on its website, which includes the reports of the Secretary-General and 147 written statements submitted by the NGO in consultative status...
During the past months of November and December, a training program was held in the town of Zababdeh in which 15 young graduates from the Jenin governorate participated. Throughout these weeks, the participants had the opportunity to increase their knowledge in the...