30 May, 2024
Conference in Rome. A new partnership for global innovation in international organizations.

On May 22, 2024, an important conference was held at LUMSA University in Rome, organized by the Rome Forum of Catholic-inspired NGOs (of which Fundación Promoción Social is a member), the Permanent Mission of the Holy See to FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) and WFP (World Food Program). The seminar, which was held at the United Nations center in Rome, focused on the vital need to strengthen cooperation between international organizations and civil society, emphasizing the crucial role of the Rome Forum.

Thus, the conference reaffirmed the role of Catholic NGOs as key actors in the struggle for transparency, innovation and international cooperation. Focusing on a renewed synergy between state and non-state organizations, the event relaunched a message of solidarity and community action, with the common goal of responding effectively to emerging global challenges.

During the seminar, it was also enriching to hear the perspectives of authorized experts in the field, such as Professor Stefano Zamagni, who commented: “If we want to resolve the issues of the global commons, the environment or knowledge, for example, we must accept to move towards global and ‘horizontal’ governance. This would also be reflected in the logic of multilateralism, a theme that the Holy See has never ceased to support, according to the professor. “We must ensure that the creation of a similar assembly representing the peoples is included on the agenda of the next UN Special Assembly” he added. He further explained that peace is the general horizon in which these perspectives must be inserted: “We entrust the destiny of peace only to the decisions of governments which, no matter how hard they try, cannot succeed alone, so the reason of State is not always a reason for peace”.

For this reason, this alliance with civil society and with religious and civil leaders cannot be ignored. Thus, Monsignor Fernando Chica Arellano, Permanent Observer of the Holy See, closed the meeting by underlining the importance of fraternity and alliance among peoples in order to build a cooperation that transcends mere diplomatic needs and achieves true global socio-political change.

In short, the seminar re-launched a message of solidarity and community action, with the common goal of responding effectively to emerging global challenges.

The conference was attended by:

Stefano Zamagni – Professor of Civil Economics, University of Bologna and President Emeritus of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences.
Francesco Bonini – Magnificent Rector of LUMSA University
Mario Arvelo Caamaño – Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the UN Roman Pole, Chairman of the UN Committee on Family Agriculture
Fatouma Seid – Deputy Director of the Partnerships Division
Federica Cerulli – Senior Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Officer, IFAD
Jihan Jacobucci – Head of Key Accounts Unit, WFP
Augusto Reggiani – ABCD NGO Foundation, Senior Member CNCS
Monsignor Fernando Chica Arellano – Permanent Observer of the Holy See to FAO, IFAD and WFP

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