8 January, 2024
“From humanitarian disaster to denial of rights, children are the first victims of wars”

Paola Binetti, patron of the Social Promotion Foundation, is a member of the International Network of Catholic Women Leaders, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, former Italian deputy and senator. 

In an article published in religiondigital.org, she analyzes the situation of complete vulnerability, present and future, in which children suffering from war conflicts such as those in Palestine and Ukraine are left. According to Binetti, the 24 million children currently living in war zones are their main victims, “not only because they pay with their lives for crimes they never committed, but also because even when they survive they bear such deep traces in their personality that they easily become instruments of those who intend to perpetrate these wars in time”. 

In this sense, he points out that the main challenge we must face is to protect the rights of all children, regardless of which side they are on, as this will be the greatest investment in peace that we must undertake in accordance with our culture and tradition. “It is not enough to focus on the immediate effects of explosive violence on minors, but also on the long-term ones and, therefore, on all the consequences they will have years later.” 

You can read the full article here. 

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