4 May, 2022
“Despite the inequalities, the Islamic woman has a lot of strength and can go very far in public life” comments Jumana Trad in the framework of a conference organized by the UCV in Valencia

Invited by the Women’s Chair of the UCV, the president of the Social Promotion Foundation and co-founder of the Euro-Arab Network of NGOs for Development and Integration (READI), Jumana Trad, has given a conference at the Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) on the situation of women in Islamic countries.

In this presentation, Jumana Trad pointed out the different situation in which Western women live compared to those of Islamic countries.

She pointed out that the Arab nations represent only twenty percent of the world’s Muslims, and each country has its own culture.

She noted that there are also substantial differences in the way Islamic law is applied in each country.

She commented that, from her point of view, Muslim feminist women seen in the media in Europe tend to have very similar ideas to those here, but that is not the reality in Islamic countries. The feminists there are feminists in a very different sense. They do not want to give up their faith, their way of life or their society, but rather an interpretation of the Koran that gives women more freedom. And that conviction, she indicated, we must respect it.

Full video of the presentation:

The presentation at UCV is part of the activities carried out by the president of the Foundation on her trip to the Valencian Community in order to strengthen ties or explore ways of collaborating with different organizations in that region.

Thus, in addition to the UCV Women’s Chair and the interview for the Catholic University of Valencia, he made an official visit to the Church of San Juan del Hospital with the Rector Don Carlos Cremades and met with Marta Templado, director of Turiart Tours, a company of the tourism and cultural sector and member of the association of women entrepreneurs EVAP, to study collaborations in the cultural field and activities at the local level.

Later, she met with Mercedes Jaureguibeitia, director of the Think Tank Home Renaissance Foundation, to see how “the culture of the home” could be related to some of the projects, for example, the impact on homes in developing countries of the increase in fuel and basic foods caused by the invasion of Ukraine.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning the meeting she had with Alberto Pla, director of the Alberto Pla Social Communication Agency, to talk about the collaboration with this study in awareness-raising projects that are going to be developed jointly in Guatemala and Bolivia.

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