22 April, 2024
Fary Zambrano’s commitment to education in Nicaragua as a tool for peace

Faced with the complex crisis that Nicaragua is going through, with serious economic and social consequences, we find incredible people who, with simplicity and determination, contribute everything they can to combat this situation and achieve a better world.

Fary Zambrano is one of these people. She works as a 1st grade teacher at the Colegio de San Francisco de Asís, located in the Buena Vista Sur Community, in Diriamba (Carazo). She is currently participating in a project that we are developing in this region, in collaboration with the Nicaraguan Association of Education and Culture (ANDECU) and the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana. The objective of this project is to promote a culture of peace through equitable access to education for boys and girls, with special attention to those who reside in rural areas, being more vulnerable and geographically dispersed.

Within the framework of this initiative, Fary has received training through which he has acquired new tools and innovative teaching methods to carry out his work as a teacher and enhance the comprehensive development of his students, on an academic and personal level. In addition, this project involves the implementation of a Peace Education Program that promotes critical thinking, oral expression and conflict resolution in all areas, as well as improvements in educational and water and sanitation infrastructure.

Before the project

Before participating in this project, Fary acknowledges that his work was limited by the lack of tools and adequate teaching materials. “The children adapted to what we had, but now, thanks to the improvements in the facilities, they enjoy a dignified and pleasant environment,” she admits. Furthermore, she explains that these improvements positively influence the learning process of these children, since they manage to better capture their attention and increase their motivation.

This positive impact is not only limited to the environment, but also extends to the students’ families. This has been reflected in the increase in enrollment in 2024, both in primary and secondary education: “fathers and mothers felt fascinated by the new conditions of the infrastructure, so they brought their sons and daughters to study in this center. Some even lived in more remote communities.” Furthermore, these parents show great satisfaction with their children’s educational progress.

Specifically, this Lady teacher explains that the students are especially enthusiastic about the children’s workshops they attend to learn from other young people who collaborate with the project as volunteer mentors. “If my students have gaps, they come to complement their knowledge and help them consolidate it. They really like learning with the innovative methods that these young people apply, which is why they enjoy it and show interest and a great desire to participate.” Along these lines, Fary is confident that students will emerge better prepared and willing to put their knowledge and preparation at the service of their community.

Continue growing as a teacher and as a person

Participating in this project has been a challenge in Fary’s professional career as a teacher, since she has also had to train herself to start doing things differently and apply new teaching methods. “On some occasions I have had to unlearn, that is, leave behind what I learned years ago, the traditional, and implement new tools and methods that ANDECU is providing me within the framework of this project and that I know will help me obtain better results and benefits in the teaching process.”

As a concrete example, he remembers a training on reading comprehension strategies that he implemented last year with second grade students and that, this year, he is also implementing in the first grade. “I have verified that learning this way is greater for them” as they are more capable of comparing and relating content they read.

But in addition to the positive evolution in her students or in herself as a professional, Fary feels that she is growing humanly and is grateful that the training for teachers covers various aspects of life. “In the project they have taught us topics about the person, which has led me to reflect and connect with myself. This pedagogy has touched my heart.”

Fary’s vocation as a teacher and her involvement with her students to promote the culture of peace through education are such that, even though she once injured her hand in a domestic accident, she decided to give up a leave of absence. labor. “Out of love for my students, I decided to move forward to avoid delaying the content and their learning. Furthermore, she knew that they could become demotivated if they changed teachers and this first degree is very important, since it teaches the foundations on which the rest of their academic years will be based.

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