16 February, 2022
The next CEMO seminar will reflect on water as a fundamental human right and a transversal element of cooperation in the COVID-19 context

The Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CEMO) of the Social Promotion Foundation  is organising the Seminar: “Water as a fundamental human right and cross-cutting element of cooperation in the context of COVID-19: the cases of the Jordan and the Nile”, which will take place on Thursday 24 February, from 9:00 to 13:45, at the Arab House (C/Alcalá, 62. Madrid).

The seminar is funded by the State Secretary for Foreign and Global Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

This seminar aims to analyse and deepen the current problems of water resources management and sanitation in the Middle East and the Nile Basin (both availability, access and use as well as quantity and quality of water resources), in addition to exploring the state of implementation of the Human Right to Water and Sanitation (HRWS) with a special emphasis on the exploration of possible conflict resolution guidelines.

The International Seminar will consist of an opening session, an inaugural conference, two sessions, a general debate and finally some closing remarks.

The inaugural conference will analyse the current state of implementation and scope of the HRWS and the role of civil society organizations.

The first Session will address the role of water as a fundamental human right and a cross-cutting element of cooperation in the COVID-19 context in the Jordan, while the Second session will focus on the Nile Valley case.

These experts will participate* among others:

Josefina Maestu, Adviser to the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for the Environment of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge; Abdelrahman Al Tamimi, General Director of Palestinian Hydrology Group – PHG (Palestine), Muttasim Al Hayari, Director of the Natural Resource Management Programme of Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development – JOHUD, (Jordan), Mariano Blanco, Head of International Tenders of FCC Aqualia, Emilio Sánchez de Rojas, Member of the Climate Change and Security Expert Group of the United Nations Environment Programme and Zenebe Tsegaw, Program Department Head of the Hararghe Catholic Secretariat (Ethiopia).

The seminar will be simultaneously broadcast live on the Social Promotion Foundation’s YouTube channel, through the following links:

Spanish: https://youtu.be/-y0pUuZuxx8

English: https://youtu.be/Kk2_HscJWe4

Provisional program*


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