3 April, 2024
Students from several schools in Madrid participate in our awareness activities ‘Goal 2030: Guatemala’

Last March, the project that we have developed in four communities in the Department of Totonicapán (Guatemala) ended, in collaboration with FUNDAP and the Madrid City Council, to promote food security and improve the nutrition of its population, paying special attention to minors and women at risk of nutritional vulnerability.

As part of this project, during the months of February and March, students from three schools in Madrid have participated in the awareness sessions that we have given in their educational centers in order for them to learn first-hand about this initiative and its connection. with the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

1st and 2nd year ESO students from Colegio Santo Ángel, Los Olmos and Montealto, have been able to reflect on SDGs 1, 2, 5, and 13: “End of poverty”, “Zero hunger”, “Gender equality” and “Action for climate”, respectively, also delving into the situation in Guatemala and issues related to food security and preventive health in this country. In addition, they have learned about the training program for agricultural and health promoters that we have implemented within the framework of this project with the aim of improving the well-being and nutritional health of these rural communities of Totonicapán.

During these sessions, all students were very interested in this project and actively participated in all the proposed dynamics.

Additionally, as part of this awareness activity, we launched a comic contest in which around 200 students from these three centers participated. All the participants showing a great artistic level when it came to expressing with their creativity the topics presented in the training sessions, they finally emerged as winners of this contest:

  • First Prize: Inés Campuzano, from Colegio Montealto
  • Second Prize: Lucía Ardell, from Colegio Montealto
  • Third Prize: Sofía Velasco, from Colegio Santo Ángel

These awareness-raising actions have allowed us to make this project visible in Guatemala, but also to promote the importance of development cooperation and collaboration between different actors and people to build a more just and inclusive world. In this sense, raising the awareness of our young people is key so that they know the problems we face beyond our most immediate reality and, thus, they can also be committed to working for a better and more equitable future.

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