18 December, 2023
Trainings on Human Rights and Development Cooperation at the University of Valencia

Trainings on Human Rights and Development Cooperation at the University of Valencia.

As part of the activities of the VII Congress on Human Rights, Irene Aparicio, our delegate in Valencia, gave two training workshops entitled “Human Rights, culture and development cooperation”. These workshops, carried out in collaboration with the Mainel Foundation, were part of the training in two masters of the University of Valencia.

The first workshop took place on December 1, 2023, as part of the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage at the University of Valencia.

The second workshop took place on December 13, 2023, in the Master’s Degree in Development Cooperation of the same university.

Irene Aparicio’s participation in these workshops was fundamental for the academic formation of the students, highlighting the interrelationship between human rights, culture and development cooperation.

This initiative also reflects Social Promotion Foundation’s ongoing commitment to promoting awareness and understanding of fundamental human rights issues globally.


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