A total of 18 young professionals performed last Saturday, December 5th, their leisure and accompaniment voluntary activities in the Barajas Occupational Centre, where people with intellectual disabilities live. This volunteerism takes place on its facilities, where are programmed different leisure activities where everybody participates: volunteers and those residents staying in the centre during the weekend, favouring an area of co-existence.
They could also draw their favourite hobbies, football teams, etc. Once the sticker was created, they glued it on a visible place and had a walk among their partners to get to know each other better. They did also scheduled games like the musical chairs or “balls battle”.
Last December 12th, took place the second volunteering day in the Ciudad Lineal Occupational Centre. The residents of the centre are women, and the volunteerism is made by young volunteers from young women associations and residence halls from Madrid with which the FPSC has collaboration agreements.
The most successful activity was a make-up, hairstyle and manicure workshop, where both volunteers and residents seemed to have remarkable skills. The session finished with a fashion show where residents and volunteers participated. The volunteerism in this residence is also a leisure and accompaniment one.
These two projects take place in occupational centres, belonging to the Community of Madrid under an agreement signed between the FPSC and the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Care Agency of Madrid.
Finally, that same Saturday, they scheduled an activity for the volunteer families of Las Tablas Valverde School; within the framework of the project of familiar volunteerism the FPSC coordinates together with the Parent’s Association of the school, in Nuestra Señora del Camino Residence, where live people with intellectual disabilities.
Families from the school accompanied our friends to a Live Belen in order to live Christmas. Parents, children from 0 to 14, professionals from the Nuestra Señora del Camino Residence and the residents themselves participated in this great party.
The Live Belen was organised by the Santa María Benedicta de la Cruz Church, Edith Stein, being the only Live Belen in Madrid City. It consisted of 15 scenes about Jesus’ childhood, being each one of them put on and performed by a real family: parents, sons, cousins, and friends. In total, the performance involved about 200 persons.
Volunteers and residents looked over one after the other the different scenes with joy, being the zenith the scene where Jesusa, Isabel and Nancy acted, all of them from the Nuestra Señora del Camino Residence.