15 November, 2021
“Against the risk posed by COVID19 for the family economy, we benefit from technical training to improve the production of our mariculture in a sustainable way”

This project implemented together with our local partner “Escuela Campesina de Educación y Salud” (ESCAES) and co-financed by the Regional Government of Madrid ends in November.

Rossy Morales is a member of one of the fifteen associations of artisanal shellfish fishermen in the province of Sechura (Peru), which have improved the management of the production system and have applied efficient techniques in the integral cultivation of scallops (Argopecten purpuratus).

According to her, the project,

“It has served to learn to take precautions through environ mental and biological monitoring against any natural phenomenon that may occur.

We can also do the cultivation of other species such as “The fine clam”.

The priority of this project was to implement comprehensive strategies that would help fishersmen, men and women, of the Sechura Bay to improve production processes and diversification.

In this way, with the introduction of suspended culture, thanks to the appropriate tools and equipment, the challenge and danger of diving on the seabed at unauthorized depths is eliminated. With this technique, Fishermen, men and women, from the Sechura coast have been trained in the cultivation of the scallop shell (Argopecten purpuratus).

70 divers have the Artisan Diver Certification after training in diving techniques and knowledge of current regulations.

Likewise, a greater participation and inclusion of women in terms of equality has been promoted in all local productive and socio-political processes, becoming leaders of social and economic development in their sector. Thus, 7% of the women participating in the program assume managerial positions in the Associations of fishermen, men and women. It is well known that it is still incipient for women to assume leadership positions in the mixed associations participating in the project, but it is an important advance.

The project also aimed to address the challenges of natural disasters and climate change. Responsible and environmentally sustainable production has been ensured, and members of fishermen’s associations, men and women, have participated in solid waste collection campaigns and have put into practice knowledge acquired on the protection of the marine environment.

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