8 October, 2024
Social Promotion Foundation attends the reception of His Majesty King Felipe VI on his official visit to Jordan

Our Head of Mission in Jordan, Alejandro Seco, attended the reception of His Majesty King Felipe VI that took place at the Official Residence of the Ambassador of Spain in Jordan on October 5. This event was held within the framework of the monarch’s official visit to this country on October 5 and 6.

During this meeting with the Spanish community living in Jordan, the King acknowledged the work of all Spaniards living in this country, particularly valuing their work. He also called for a political solution to end the escalation of war in the region.

After giving a brief speech, Don Felipe approached each of the groups in attendance to greet them personally and learn about the details of the different projects that the different Spanish organizations represented at the reception are implementing on the ground.

Among the attendees were representatives of the private sector, staff from the Embassy and the Spanish Cooperation Office, members of the Instituto Cervantes and Spanish aid workers living in Amman who work for Spanish NGOs with a presence in the country, such as Fundación Promoción Social, NOVACT, Alianza por la Solidaridad, and Médecins Sans Frontières. Spanish workers from the European Union, UNRWA and UNICEF also attended.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, and the director of AECID, Antón Leis, accompanied the King at this meeting and also took a personal interest in the work and situation of the aid workers present there.

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