5 May, 2021
We have received the sad news of the passing of Nadia Harb, Managing Director of RWDS in Palestine

From the Social Promotion Foundation, we would like to express our most sincere condolences to all the Rural Women Development Society (RWDS) Colleagues in this very difficult time.

Nadia was a remarkable person, strong woman and outstanding professional. We will always remember her as an authentic leader, her charisma and warmth will stay with us as loving memories.

Her commitment to serving Palestinian women and to supporting their socioeconomic empowerment leaves a wonderful legacy. Social Promotion Foundation is very honoured to have had the privilege of having her as a partner.

We are truly saddened to lose such an amazing Colleague, loyal and committed friend.

Nadia Harb was the Managing Director of the Rural Women Development Society (RWDS) since 2009.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2019, we interviewed Nadia Harb.

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