3 May, 2021
Ideas with innovative solutions to change the world

Participants in the new online Youth MUN Madrid 2021 design and promote social action and volunteering initiatives in their environment.

More than 320 youth and 40 facilitators from at least 9 autonomous communities from all over Spain and countries such as Ireland, Turkey and Esuatini are participating in this new edition of Youth MUN Madrid, which has the collaboration of “la Caixa” Foundation and the support of FABRE Foundation.

A new feature this year was the introduction of training on the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda, coordinated by the FABRE Foundation.

Through an introductory workshop, they have been shown the responsibility and leading role that young people must acquire to promote a more sustainable, fair and supportive world. As a final product of this training in sustainability, each group of students in the program has to complete the #iDeas2030 initiative before the final conference – which will take place on June 11, 12 and 13 in Madrid -: an initiative that seeks to promote among young students the development of local, sustainable and innovative solidarity projects, with a global outlook, supporting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals among their schools, families, neighborhoods, etc….

With this initiative, the Youth MUN Madrid program aims that in addition to acquiring the necessary skills to put themselves in the shoes of the different countries of the world through the MUN (Model United Nations) methodology, the young participants and their facilitators also practice and learn how to identify local problems associated with global challenges and demonstrate their interest and ability to solve them with innovative ideas.

At the end of YMM, all these #iDeas2030 will be registered on the initiative’s own website www.ideas2030.fundacionfabre.org, leaving a record of their social action and thus empowering the educational community in the pursuit and promotion of sustainability.

Aitana School

Solidarity breakfasts for homeless people in the city of Alicante through a project called “Let’s Give Our Illusion” launched by this team.

Nune aut Nunquam Group

Reduce beach pollution from plastic and other waste by organizing a plastic and waste collection.

Inter Group (Lucía Sobrado)

The initiative consists of a campaign for menstrual poverty. Lucía wants to carry out an analysis of the degree of menstrual poverty in her school and try to collect feminine hygiene products in order to donate them to an organization that will be in charge of distributing them in her city to the most disadvantaged people.

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