29 November, 2013
Inauguration of the opening of the public park, Sinn El Fil in Lebanon, in its completion of accessibility for people with disabilities

The opening ceremony of the public park Sinn El Fil (Lebanon ) was held on October 29th after the completion of the park’s adaptation to be accessible for people with disabilities.

The ceremony’s attendant included: the President of the Sinn El Fil Municipality , Mr. Nabil Kahale, Governor (Caimacam) of the Metn region, and Mr. Manuel Duran, Deputy Head of Mission and Spanish Embassy in Lebanon.

Under the agreement “Improvement of the social integration of disabled people in the Middle East through accessibility,” which finances the AECID, this adaptation removes barriers, ensures greater independence and mobility, and promotes the rights of disabled people to have equal access to public spaces.

Aec, FPSC’s local Lebanese partner in the convention, has been commissioned to carry out the work of adapting the availability of this public space. In addition, we should also mention the close collaboration with the Lebanese NGO,”Include” and with the City of Sinn El Fil.

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