24 September, 2021
Isabella, Fernando and Raquel are the first volunteers to accredit the skills acquired in the volunteering activities of the Foundation

Social Promotion Foundation promotes the social recognition of volunteers who provide help and service to young people, within the framework of its work with youth associations, through the organisation of non-formal education activities that promote social commitment to local and global problems; of young professional volunteers who participate in the Foundation’s volunteering projects, and of those professionals who carry out voluntary management support activities at the Foundation’s headquarters.

Social Promotion Foundation has been recognised as an Accrediting Entity of the Reconoce programme a project that promotes the recognition of competencies acquired through volunteering based on an On-line Accreditation System, from which all volunteers can benefit. It is an official recognition of the competences acquired by volunteers in their activity.

Isabella, Fernando and Raquel are the first volunteers of the Social Promotion Foundation who have accredited the competences acquired by their support to the Youth MUN Madrid programme through the Reconoce Project of which our organisation is part of as an Evaluator.

Among our objectives, common to those of Reconoce, are to promote youth employability, recognising and valuing the skills and competences that volunteers develop thanks to their solidarity participation in the associative network.

Isabella has obtained the competence ‘Leading initiatives’. “She is a person who facilitates a climate of collaboration and enthusiasm, achieving team consensus on actions and shared goals, thanks to her active listening and receptive attitude”.

Similarly, Raquel has acquired the same competence for “being able to motivate others by taking responsibility for initiating actions and promoting team participation”.

Fernando has been officially recognised for ‘Flexibility’ and ‘Optimism and Enthusiasm’ for “taking on change with ease, seizing the opportunities presented to him and for his positive outlook that instils great confidence in others”.

Congratulations to all 3!


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