22 December, 2023
Social Promotion Foundation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Board of Trustees and the entire Social Promotion Foundation team wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the year 2024!

Christmas invites us to renew good resolutions and we are more inclined to look at others. For this reason, we feel very close to all the people who participate in our projects, and we maintain our unwavering commitment to them, to preserve, with their efforts and our work, their dignity and ensure future opportunities for them and their families.

Christmas is also a time for giving and sharing. That is why we take this opportunity to thank, once again, all of you, donors, volunteers and friends, who identify with our mission, for your collaboration this year. Your generosity allows us to implement projects to ensure education, water, health, decent employment, food security and equal opportunities for women in many regions of the world that need our help to achieve them.

With everyone’s efforts, it is possible to move forward to eradicate poverty and inequality.

Thank you for being an essential part of this path towards a better world!

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