10 May, 2024
The hopeful stories of Erik, Vincent and Moses, three young Kenyans who have managed to access university

Vincent and Moses are three young Kenyans who are currently seeing their dream of entering university in their country come true. But getting to this point has not been easy. The three of them have had to go a long way and make an effort to achieve it; something that will undoubtedly improve their lives, as well as those of their families and communities.

When they were just children, between 2015 and 2016, they learned about the Karibu Sana project and were welcomed by it. At that time, this initiative began its journey in Kenya with the firm objective of working to facilitate access to quality education for boys and girls, at risk of vulnerability, who live in slums in Nairobi. From the Social Promotion Foundation, we collaborate with this important project that provides financial support and accompanies these boys and girls throughout their educational process.

We want to share the stories of each of these three young people; stories that fill us with hope as we see how, with courage and effort, they have been able to take advantage of this opportunity since their childhood to start building a better future. We attach these photos of him taken six years ago.

  • Erik, a future dentist

During Karibu Sana’s early years, Erik lived with his mother and his two sisters in a village next to a tea plantation. At that time, they even lacked electricity supply. Erik learned about this initiative and asked for help to be able to access a better school where he could receive higher quality training. After several years of hard study and a lot of determination, Erik is today a university student studying 2nd year of Dentistry.

  • Vincent, between aviation and medicine

To enter University in Kenya, students must obtain a minimum grade of C+ in the entrance exam (known as KCSE).

Vincent has obtained an A-grade, a very significant achievement that places him among the top 7% of students in the country. Currently, Vincent is thinking about what to study, since he hesitates between being an airplane pilot or a doctor.

Both Vincent and his brother Ezekiel (who has just finished studying Psychology) joined Karibu Sana in 2016. At that time, their mother, Zippora, had just been abandoned by their father and was also ill, so she requested help in this desperate situation to be able to raise her children.

On this path that Vincent has traveled accompanied by Karibu Sana, he is especially grateful that four years ago he was given the opportunity to continue his studies from a boarding school since, as he acknowledges, “at that time I was hanging out with bad company in Kibera (the shanty town I lived in).”

  • Moses, Law student

Moses has been one of the children who have received 100% of the necessary support from Karibu Sana to be able to pursue their studies when they find themselves in a situation of helplessness.

Moses’ story of overcoming is shocking and impressive at the same time. His mother died in the fire of the shack in which they lived. After spending three weeks in a police cell for begging and living poorly on the streets, Moses was rescued and was able to access the educational opportunity offered by Karibu Sana, his new family.

Thus, he was able to enter a school as an intern and begin a new life of opportunities thanks to access to studies that, today, have allowed him to begin his university career as a student at the Faculty of Law. It is all “a dream come true”, as Moses himself acknowledges.

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