8 November, 2023
Parents improve the comprehensive health and food security of their families in Guatemala

Overcoming the situation of nutritional and social vulnerability suffered by the Kaqchikel population of Vista Bella, in Guatemala, is beginning to become a reality, thanks to the fundamental role that 30 families are playing in improving their food security and comprehensive health in their own homes

These advances are being achieved through a project we have develop in this area, in collaboration with The Foundation for Integral Development (FUDI) and with the financial support of the ADEY Foundation. Its activities are aimed at promoting training and the acquisition of skills related to promoting health, nutrition and hygiene habits, turning families into agents of transformation. It also emphasizes strengthening the role of women in making decisions related to their own nutritional health and that of their children.

The ultimate goal is to guarantee adequate and sustainable nutrition for families in situations of social and economic vulnerability, paying special attention to women and children under 5 years of age.

To achieve this, among the activities carried out to date, the holding of bimonthly trainings that address issues of health, nutrition, awareness and development of good food practices, personal hygiene and home and environmental sanitation stand out. Thus, two fundamental topics for the healthy nutrition and growth of children under 5 years of age have been discussed, related to complementary feeding for babies 6 months and older and emotional nutrition.

Likewise, 2 medical-nutritional sessions have taken place in which children under 5 years of age from the 30 families participating in the project have been attended to. In them, they have been weighed and measured and have received nutritional and medical care. In addition, families have received multivitamins, nutritional recovery supplies and medications.

On the other hand, early stimulation workshops have been held, in which fathers and mothers have actively participated, training themselves to improve the cognitive, motor and psycho-social-emotional development of their children up to 4 years of age.

These advances not only demonstrate tangible progress in food security and comprehensive health in Vista Bella, but also the power of a community to achieve it, through its commitment and determination.


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