21 September, 2023
“Let us never accept violence and war as the solution”

September 21 marks the International Day of Peace, this year under the motto “Actions for peace: our ambition for the #Global Goals.” 

Fighting inequality, promoting measures against climate change and promoting and protecting human rights, without a doubt, contribute to building more peaceful, just and inclusive societies, free of fear and violence. And these are the objectives with which we work in Ethiopia, through the projects developed in rural areas and the agreement that the Foundation currently has in place. 

On the occasion of this day, AUARA has conducted an interview with our head of mission, Gerard Poch, in which this idea is revealed, and also highlights the urgent need to address conflicts and violence, as well as humanitarian consequences of these conflicts, especially in the Ethiopian country. 

The importance of peace, armed conflicts in Ethiopia, the impact of war on development and access to water as a weapon of war are crucial topics addressed in the interview. 

“Nunca aceptemos la violencia y la guerra como la solución”

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