14 May, 2024
Paola Binetti, patron of our Foundation, presents her book ‘In Praise of Moderation in Modern Political Dialectics’

Paola Binetti, member of the board of the Social Promotion Foundation, has presented her latest work, In Praise of Moderation in Modern Political Dialectics, in an event in which she was accompanied by personalities such as Lorenzo Cesa, María Teresa Bellucci, María Elena Boschi , Mariolina Castellone, María Stella Gelmini and Giancarlo Giorgetti, and which was held on April 30 in the Chapter House of the Cloister of the Convent of Santa María sobre Minerva (Rome).

In her book, Binetti offers a reflection and analysis on the violent confrontation that characterizes the current political scenario and that has also extended to the communication field. According to the author, the media and social networks reflect an aggressive tone that is constantly increasing, becoming the usual form of expression.

In the Italian political context, concepts such as “incomplete democracy” are frequently used, largely related to the permanent conflict between the different political parties, whether in government or in the opposition. Binetti argues that the predominant note is always the systematic violence of the confrontation.

As a proposed solution to this complex situation, the author considers that, to recover credibility and consensus in public opinion, it is necessary to rediscover the essential political virtues that guarantee effective dialogue and constructive discussion.

In this sense, Binetti maintains that it is necessary to start a revolution that leads us to revive values ​​such as reliability, moderation and sobriety, since, if politics is a higher form of charity, it must begin again from charity. . In short, the writer proclaims in this work that good politics needs to awaken the hope and confidence that, despite everything, exist in people’s hearts.

About Paola Binetti

Paola Binetti has been a full professor of History of Medicine and Human Sciences at the Biomedical Campus of the University of Rome, where she directed the Department of Educational and Didactic Research for more than 15 years.

Psychotherapist, specialist in clinical psychology and child neuropsychiatry, Binetti is a member of various institutions, among which the National Bioethics Committee stands out. She has published more than 300 articles in national and international journals, as well as several volumes in the field of Bioethics and Medical Education. From 2006 to 2022 she was a Parliamentarian in four legislatures (two in the House and two in the Senate).


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