Line of activity:
Cooperation for Development
State of Project:
Local Partner:
Asociación Civil Salud y Familia
Start date:
Finish date:
Overall budget:
Training and promotion of adolescents at social risk and living in poverty in the Miranda State

The Social Promotion Foundation together with the Venezuelan local partner, Asociación Civil Salud y Familia, focuses its efforts on human promotion, integral attention and training of very young women in vulnerable areas. This population is the most affected by the situation of instability and social and economic deprivation that the country is suffering since 2013.

The overall objective of the project is to improve the living conditions of families at social risk and living in poverty, in the municipalities of Baruta and El Hatillo, by providing health care, training and comprehensive education for 100 teenage mothers and care for their babies.

The specific objectives of the intervention are:

  • To promote and encourage attitudes of self-improvement in 100 teenage mothers and their children through a programme of comprehensive care. This activity includes pre-natal and post-natal medical control, psychological support, family and social guidance, humane training, training for work and the reinforcement of values by providing them with the greatest number of tools for their personal development, that of their child and their family.
  • To provide knowledge and practical tools to 180 young people from popular communities for the prevention of risk behaviour in adolescence.

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