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Libyan women: rights and responsibilities. Experiences in other Arab countries

On October the 25th and 26th the FPSC put on a seminar entitled “Libyan women: rights and responsibilities. Experiences in other Arab countries” in collaboration with READI at the Casa Árabe of Madrid. Arab and European women with great backgrounds in women’s rights and responsibilities evaluated the current situation of women in Lybia and exposed possible short-term interventions.

The following people took part in the seminar: Naima Gebril (Judge and member of the Libyan National Dialogue Commission), Magda El Sanousi (Chief of the Women’s empowerment area at the UNSMIL), Claudette Habesch (Former President of Caritas MONA between 1999 and 2007), Nada Elatrash (Environmental Ingeneer of Repsol in Lybia), Najet Karaborni (President of the FCEO -Future& Civic Engagement Organization- and Founder President of the TPM BEST -Tunisia Global Pole of Good Health & Well Being for All-), Mouna Akesbi (Cultural Advisor of Marroco’s Embasy in Spain), and Huda Abuzeid (TV Producer with international repercussion -for example in the BBC, Channel 4 and AlJazeera).

The different meetings of the seminar addressed women issues, such as decision-making in Libya, and their role in family, close relationships and the bigger society.

All the speakers showed a deep knowledge, despite the complexity of the situation in Libya, and great strength and fait in the principles they stand for, which brought much hope into the matter.

The seminar also counted with the participation of Juan Manuel Molina (Advisor of the General Directorate of Magreb, Africa, the Mediterranean and the Middle East of the Secretary of the State’s Office of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation), Pedro Antonio Villena (Head of the Casa Árabe), Jumana Trad (FPSC President), Blanca de Mesa (READI President) and Ignacio Ybáñez (Secretary of the State of Foreing Affairs and International Cooperation).

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