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Volunteering Social Action and Youth
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Volunteer Training: Real Engagement

Volunteering is an experience and a form of social participation. To accomplish this one needs to know how. A volunteer should have some knowledge, develop capabilities and skills to participate and achieve the goals of their work.

The training provided from the FPSC is adapted to the ages of the volunteers, their motivations and time availability, the specific activities carried out as well as the environment and the circumstances in which they develop.

The contents of the “Volunteer Training: Real Engagement” program have been structured around the following lines:

  • Give necessary and specific FORMATION according to the form of social participation chosen by our volunteers. Train volunteers to strengthen their method of participation.
  • Give KNOWLEDGE of the work and how to do it so that they may choose their place of participation, and help discover new fields for voluntary action.
  • Voluntary ACTION: Throughout the course volunteer activities are conducted with older people, volunteering with children and adolescents.
  • INFORM society, particularly the young, about the importance of social participation and its different expressions.
  • PROMOTE volunteering as a means of social participation.
  • Exchange and evaluate EXPERIENCES among volunteers in order to develop proposals for positive action and provide continuity in time.

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