SOS: Rebuilding Hope in Gaza

Support the rehabilitation of the Holy Family School and protect education and conflict-affected communities

Education is the key to future, coexistence and peace

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The intensification of the conflict in Gaza has had a devastating impact on the region. In this context, the Foundation is redoubling its efforts to protect the population and ensure access to education, especially in violence-affected areas such as Palestine.

The construction of the Holy Family School between 2000 and 2002 is a tangible example of our commitment to education as a tool for change, coexistence and hope in the midst of adversity.

Unfortunately, as a result of the conflict that began in October 2023, the school’s facilities, where a large part of the minority Christian population is currently sheltered, have suffered serious damage that urgently needs to be repaired.

In times of crisis, investing in education is even more crucial to ensure a future of peace and stability, thus protecting all communities, especially minority communities, in conflict situations.

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*Your first €250 donated to an NGO like ours is 80% tax deductible. Find out about the tax advantages of your support.

SOS: The Holy Family School, in Gaza

Child protection is essential in the face of serious human rights violations such as attacks on schools. It is estimated that more than 90 per cent of Gaza’s schools are damaged or being used as shelters for internally displaced persons.

Inaugurated in 2002, this Catholic school belonging to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem welcomes 700 Gazan children without political or religious distinction, and it is an example of inclusive education in the region.

The Holy Family School functions not only as an educational centre, but also as a refuge for the community in times of conflict, such as the current one. During the height of the war, it has hosted up to 2,500 people, many of them belonging to the Christian minority.

Main needs

The shelling and attacks in the Remal area, where Holy Family School is located, have caused significant damage to the facilities.

Top floor

The top floor of the building has been damaged, affecting a multi-purpose hall and several classrooms.

Outer walls

The outer walls surrounding the school have been demolished by Israeli tanks.

Solar energy equipment

Solar energy equipment on the roof of the building was damaged.

Furniture and equipment

Todos los muebles y equipos de la escuela han sido saqueados, dejando el edificio vacío y desprovisto de recursos.

Early Childhood Education Building

Part of the pre-school building was directly hit and completely destroyed.


Several sections of the building were damaged by shrapnel during the attacks.

How can you help?

Your help is essential at this time. With your donation, we can begin the process of rebuilding and restoring Holy Family School, giving the children and young people of Gaza the opportunity for a better future through education and a place to live and shelter in times of crisis.


Provides basic materials such as books, notebooks and pencils for students, helping them to recover their educational resources.


Repairs specific parts of the school, such as conflict-damaged classrooms, creating a safer and more conducive learning environment.


Helps rebuild essential school infrastructure, such as installing solar energy equipment and repairing exterior walls, providing a more sustainable and protected learning environment for students.

Or send Bizum to 01342

*Your first €250 donated to an NGO like ours is 80% tax deductible. Find out about the tax advantages of your support.

Social Promotion Foundation and the Holy Family School

Despite the difficult circumstances in Gaza, the Foundation has always been committed to education in the region.

For this reason, during 2000, 2001 and 2002, two projects were carried out for the construction and refurbishment of a Catholic educational centre, an initiative of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, which offered training to more than 2,000 students, without political or religious distinction, being an example of inclusive education in the region.

These projects, supported by the Palestinian National Authority and funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), responded to the shortage of educational facilities for a population of which more than 50% was under 15 years of age. It also provided vocational training opportunities for adults, especially unemployed women.

Since the opening of the centre in 2002, the Foundation has gone on several occasions to support both the rehabilitation of damaged infrastructure and destroyed equipment, and to provide psychosocial support to children and families affected by the war, with co-funding from AECID and the Regional Government of Madrid.