29 October, 2015
Recent news from Za’atari Refugee Camp

During  the last weeks the agenda of FPSC in Za’atri refugee camp, where FPSC takes care of people with special needs,  has been full of activities.

Thus, on October 30 FPSC took a leading role in the coordination of the third inter-agency inclusive event “Kullona” with the objective to raise awareness among the community in the camp of services and activities available to persons with disabilities, to promote the inclusion and participation of persons with disabilities, and to create a day of activities that are inclusive and enjoyable.

A total of 200 people took part in the event, including men, women and children of all ages, and also the elderly and persons with any impairment that might normally impede their access to and participation in activities across the camp.

Moreover, the physiotherapy and rehabilitation clinic of the FPSC in Za’atari has been visited by many personalities. The first visit was paid on October 6 by the Swiss Ambassador to Jordan, Hans -Peter Lenz. After getting informed on the work the FPSC is carrying out in it and the needs that people with disabilities face,  Hans-Peter Lenz explained that the specialized health services for people with disabilities do not constitute a priority area for funding from the Swiss government. However, he committed to advocate for greater support in this area.

 Later on October 21, Soledad Becerril Bustamante, Ombudsman in Spain, also wanted personally to know  the work of FPSC, she was interested in the situation of refugees in general and specifically on the state and conditions in which people with disabilities live.

Another significant event was the donation of disability aids received from a citizen of UAE on 26 October. The items were the following, 20 pairs of elbow crutches for adults, 20 pairs of auxiliary crutches also known as under arm crutches for adults, 20 pieces of walkers for adults, 90 wheelchairs of different sizes, 50 pieces of cerebral palsy wheelchairs and 20 pieces of shower chairs. The items will be distributed to their caseload of currently unsupported persons with disabilities, attending to cases more in need first.

Finally FPSC contributed with the article “Priority Issue Highlight: Youth with Disabilities” to the Za’atari camp Youth Task Force fact sheet for October 2015, highlighting the need to implement more recreational, educational and occupational inclusive activities for the young disabled people in the Syrian refugee camp in Jordan.

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