Sustainable Palestine

Woman | Water | Food Security

Social Promotion Foundation works in Palestine to promote sustainable development and to improve the living conditions of its vulnerable population, marked by forced displacement, severe food insecurity, acute malnutrition, natural disasters and lack of access to clean water and basic services.

In rural areas of Gaza and the West Bank (Palestine), the objective is to build resilience among farmers and livestock keepers by combating hunger, improving food security, transitioning to sustainable agriculture and responding to the climate crisis.

Also, due to the high presence of women in the agricultural labour force, their access to natural resources, the production chain and agricultural techniques is encouraged. Support is also given to their productive agricultural enterprises and marketing, and to the creation of women’s clubs and cooperatives. It also focuses on public awareness and sensitisation on equal opportunities and rights.

¿How can I help?


Women’s rights training to promote an egalitarian society

Despite the fact that Palestinian women are a powerful force for change, their reproductive role continues to be prioritized to the detriment of all their rights.

Violence against women has increased especially during the pandemic.

It is essential to strengthen their leadership capacity so that they claim their rights, especially to land ownership, and encourage their participation in decision-making bodies.


Rehabilitation of water tanks to enable access to clean and safe drinking water

Only 4% of households in the Gaza Strip have access to clean water.

During the latest escalation of violence, 800,000 inhabitants (40% of the population) have seen their access to running water limited.

Gazans have only 83 litres of piped water per capita per day, below the 100 litres recommended by the World Health Organisation.


Inputs and seeds for growing varied and nutrient-rich foods

In 2021, two out of five Palestinians experienced food insecurity.

76% of the Gazan population needs humanitarian assistance in order to ensure a sufficient and nutritious diet (situation aggravated after the last war in May 2021).

Many families in Gaza depend on agriculture to survive, but the scarcity of natural resources such as land and water, the destruction of farmland and greenhouses during waves of violence, and the rising costs of agricultural inputs, especially after COVID-19, severely damage this sector and production.

Our work in Palestine

Social Promotion Foundation works in Palestine to promote sustainable development and to improve the living conditions of its vulnerable population, marked by forced displacement, severe food insecurity, acute malnutrition, natural disasters and lack of access to clean water and basic services.

In rural areas of Gaza and the West Bank (Palestine), the objective is to build resilience among farmers and livestock keepers by combating hunger, improving food security, transitioning to sustainable agriculture and responding to the climate crisis.

Also, due to the high presence of women in the agricultural labour force, their access to natural resources, the production chain and agricultural techniques is encouraged. Support is also given to their productive agricultural enterprises and marketing, and to the creation of women’s clubs and cooperatives. It also focuses on public awareness and sensitisation on equal opportunities and rights.