El pasado 19 de abril, la Fundación Promoción Social participó en la XVI Edición del Foro IEB Solidario. Este evento se celebra con carácter anual y reúne a Fundaciones y ONG con el objetivo de dar a conocer a los de 400 alumnos del IEB la labor social que realizan y...
Martina Vegara (EFA El Campico) and Irene Dascalu (EFA Torrealedua), from 2nd ESO, are the two students from the Family Agricultural Schools of the Community of Valencia who received awards, in the drawing category, in the “Your creativity as a...
On February 16, the Social Promotion Foundation organized a meeting between EFA Piñeiral students who participate in our development education project “GOAL 2030: EFAs FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT” within the framework of the agreements financed by AECID that we...
The thematic exhibition “2030 Goal: EFAS for Sustainable Development”, organised by Social Promotion Foundation, in the framework of the education for development activity of the agreements financed by AECID in Ethiopia and Palestine, on its way through...
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