30 May, 2017
The FPSC bets on youth through comprehensive training

The FPSC is engaged with youth. This commitment is showed in different areas of its activities, being the support for the professionalization of Youth Associations one of the most outstanding. It can perform this activities thanks to its MoUs with the Youth Associations through its program Head East.

In the range of this project, the meetings between associations for the training of volunteers -held once every year in Seville during Easter- has served as a means to the FPSC to implement certain activities with them.

Firstly, in collaboration with the “Fundación Reina Sofía”, the sports competition “TRAINING TO GIVE YOUR ALL” was set up, in relation to a project initiated in January aiming to the promotion of values for the training of volunteers amongst young people through sports.

The Sports Center of Pilas held the event, and the referees and more than 20 volunteers from the staff made possible a thrilling sportive day which counted with the participation of more than 90 young people in disciplines such as basketball, volleyball and athleticism. Although there were some very even races, the friendly environment prevailed throughout the evening.

The day concluded with the prize-giving to the best teams, consiting on medals and scholarships in sport kits for the El Roca and Albufera Associations, which obtained the best scores of the competition.

On the other hand, with the collaboration of the NGO International Cooperation, a large food delivery was organized for 40 families of Seville. Young female volunteers, caring for the number and age of the members of each family, delivered food boxes at the beneficiaries homes. This represented a great chance to experience the different harsh realities that many people like these live and also confirm the great gratitude and tenderness appreciated thanks to this charitable experience.

Through this activity, the volunteers were able to experience a different way of discovering a city and its people. Next year they expect, therefore, to be able to repeat the same experience.

Another way in which the FPSC has contributed to the training of Youth Associations is the organization of training courses for the management committees. The management committees are constituted by volunteers that, apart from their personal and professional life, give their time away in order to promote several initiatives for the comprehensive training of young people.

This personal commitment and enthusiasm moves us to organize training courses -proximately achieving the celebration of a third season for the committees of more than 10 youth associations- aiming to provide them with tools to develop their professionalism in a way that is adequate and satisfactory.

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