María Isabel Coronado and her guinea pig farm: an advance by women towards equal access to productive resources and income generation in Peru

María Isabel Coronado and her guinea pig farm: an advance by women towards equal access to productive resources and income generation in Peru

  María Isabel Coronado Chilcón lives with her family in the community of San Lorenzo, in the province of Cutervo (in the department of Cajamarca, Peru). Her participation in the Project that we from the Social Promotion Foundation implement in this area,...
The Spanish Ambassador to Lebanon visits the activities of the agreement we are developing in the country

The Spanish Ambassador to Lebanon visits the activities of the agreement we are developing in the country

The Spanish Ambassador to Lebanon, Jesús Santos, has visited the activities of the convenio we are developing in the south of this country in collaboration with the NGO AIDA, with our local partner, ADR (Association for the Development of Rural Capacities), and with...
In Memory of Cuca Blanc

In Memory of Cuca Blanc

Upon receiving the news of Cuca Blanc’s death this morning, many grateful memories come to mind. And among them, the “lyrics” of an old “Sevillian” that goes like this: something dies in the soul when a friend leaves… I feel sorry for the departure of Cuca: a...