Burqin is a Palestinian municipality located southwest of Jenin in the West Bank. Its Women’s Club is well known in the area, as it has become a vital economic and social hub for the community, providing opportunities for women to participate in agricultural...
Habsa Ahmed is a 65-year-old Somali mother of eight. She is part of an income-generating group that produces vegetables and fruits, which has allowed her to improve and ensure her family’s food security, as well as generate her own income, contribute to the...
Today, October 15, we celebrate the International Day of Rural Women, a date on which, from our Foundation, we take the opportunity to highlight the crucial and decisive role that these women play in promoting economic and social development, as well as in tackling...
As every September 18, from Fundación Promoción Social and through our Women and Equality Observatory (OMEI), we join the celebration of the International Equal Pay Day to remember and insist on the need to reach this decisive milestone to continue advancing on the...
On June 30, at 11:00 a.m., the Cervantes Institute in Amman hosted the presentation event of the project “Jordanian women and youth resilient in the face of poverty and multidimensional crisis promote an economic recovery free of violence”. This project,...
María Isabel Coronado Chilcón lives with her family in the community of San Lorenzo, in the province of Cutervo (in the department of Cajamarca, Peru). Her participation in the project that we from the Social Promotion Foundation implement in this area,...