1 February, 2024
The rural community of Tirarí (Bolivia) now enjoys sanitation and the supply of safe and healthy drinking water in their homes and school 


The rural communities of Santa Teresa, San Simón and Tirarí, in Santa Cruz (Bolivia), are making significant progress with regard to sanitation and the supply of safe and healthy drinking water in their schools and homes, thanks to the project that we developed together with APEP, our local partner, and with the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana. 

These achievements have a positive and significant impact, especially on the lives and safety of women and girls living in these rural environments, as they are often responsible for carrying water for family consumption. 

During his trip to Bolivia from January 21-29, Ivan Aznar, the Foundation’s project technician, visited the community of Tirari and was able to see the benefits of some of these improvements. 

The community welcomed him to participate in the inauguration of the elevated water tank and bathrooms at the local school, in a ceremony attended by, among others, the mayor of San Ignacio de Velasco, Ruddy Dorado, and the director of APEP, Javier R. de Rodrigo. 

The construction of the elevated concrete tank ensures the supply of sufficient and quality water to this population. This, in turn, has a very positive impact on their health and allows for better time and energy management, especially for women and girls. 

In addition, the construction and rehabilitation of the bathrooms in the nursery school, with separate facilities for boys and girls, ensures their dignity, safety and privacy. This also allows them more time for education and play, as we learned from Jacinta’s story. 

Likewise, these bathrooms have a positive impact on educational conditions by favoring the creation of a healthy environment for study, education and coexistence. They also contribute to reducing the incidence of infectious diseases caused by lack of hygiene, prevent problems of violence and insecurity, and have a positive impact on the environment by reducing groundwater contamination. 

Undoubtedly, these important achievements and developments are a source of joy for rural communities. For this reason, Iván enthusiastically participated in the celebrations organized by the inhabitants of Tirarí to celebrate the fact that they are now beginning to enjoy better living and health conditions thanks to sanitation and the supply of safe and healthy drinking water in their schools and homes. 

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