12 September, 2024
Our contribution to peace through two humanitarian aid initiatives in Palestine and Jordan

From Fundación Promoción Social we try to contribute our grain of sand to the construction of a peaceful world by also supporting the most vulnerable people who, unfortunately, see their situation aggravated by the crisis contexts in which they live.

Although most of our work is related to development cooperation in the countries and territories where we are present, we also carry out humanitarian aid initiatives through which we accompany and assist these people, trying to respond to some of their most pressing needs.

In Jordan

Despite being one of the countries with the highest human development index in the region, Jordan has several shortcomings which, in recent years, have been aggravated by the various crises and conflicts devastating the Middle East.

In this regard, it is worth noting that its healthcare system has been particularly affected. The Syrian refugee crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, the arrival of more displaced persons running away from other conflicts, etc. have compromised its response capacity to the detriment of the local population and refugee communities.

With the aim of contributing to alleviate this situation, we have just started a new project in collaboration with the Al Hussein Society (AHS) and with funding from the Generalitat Valenciana. Our work aims to increase protection and ensure the right of access to health care for people with functional diversity and others who are extremely vulnerable, paying special attention to the elderly and women victims of gender violence in the refugee camp and host communities.

In this way, we hope to expand the technical and human capacities of AHS to be able to offer a specialized and appropriate multidisciplinary response to these people, with the ultimate goal of increasing their mobility and strengthening their autonomy.

In West Bank, Palestine

We are currently developing a project to strengthen the resilience and protection of Palestinian women in chronic humanitarian crisis in the West Bank.

Together with our local partner Rural Women’s Development Society (RWDS) and with funding from the Community of Madrid, we provide multidisciplinary support to 50 women, aged between 18 and 55, who are heads of households in a situation of low income vulnerability.

To improve their protection and resilience, we are working on creating home gardens, learning good agricultural practices, distributing inputs, training and advising these women so that they can reduce their families’ external dependence. In this way, they will also strengthen their capacity to resist and adapt to the chronic humanitarian crisis, aggravated by the conflict in the region and the impact of climate change.

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