18 September, 2023
Equal Pay Day: Progress in Jordan

September 18 marks International Equal Pay Day, a key milestone in the fight for human rights and gender equality.

In 2023, the Social Promotion Foundation reiterates its commitment to this objective, incorporating into its Projects and work those Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that promote equality and the empowerment of all women and girls (SDG 5) and decent work and economic growth for all women and men, including young people and people with disabilities, as well as equal pay for work of equal value (SDG 8).

On this day, through our Women and Equality Observatory (OMEI), we take stock of the progress of our Project in Jordan. Currently, we are implementing a Project in collaboration with local partner Jordan Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD) and with the financial support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). This project aims to empower Jordanian women, strengthening their skills and capacities for employment and removing them from situations of vulnerability and poverty.

As part of this Project, labor market assessment reports have been produced in Irbid and Mafraq, both in English and Arabic, and have also been published on the Jordanian Ministry of Labor website, which have provided recommendations to address the disparity between labor supply and demand, especially with regard to women. To promote equal pay, these recommendations include a series of strategic actions:

  • Adapt salaries to the skills and responsibilities of workers, following the standards of the local labor market.
  • Constantly monitor employers to ensure pay equity and transparency
  • Offer financial incentives and social benefits to improve workers’ conditions.
  • Promote training in job skills and training programs.
  • Promote awareness of equal pay and labor rights.
  • Focus on vocational education and learning aligned with labor market demands..
  • Review loan and financing policies to support projects that promote equal pay

These actions seek to create a more equitable work environment and ensure that all workers receive fair wages and equal opportunities, thus contributing to equal pay throughout society.

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