23 March, 2024
Ángela Karina’s home garden in Guatemala, an opportunity to improve the nutritional health of her entire family

Ángela Karina Ixcoteyac Castro lives with her family in the municipality of Santa María Chiquimula, belonging to the Department of Totonicapán, in Guatemala.

Thanks to her participation in the Project that we carry out in this area of Guatemala, together with our local partner, Foundation for the Integral Development of Socio-economic Programs (FUNDAP), and the support of the Madrid City Council, Ángela Karina was able to access a program training in which he learned good agricultural practices and techniques to deal with the adverse effects of the climate, in addition to acquiring knowledge about nutrition.

This training has allowed him to create and maintain his own family garden on a small plot of land at his house, where he can now grow vegetables that he previously had to purchase at the market. Thus, he has not only managed to save costs and optimize his domestic economy, but also improve the nutrition, health and food security conditions of his entire family.

Last November, our project technicians, Gema Talaván and Federico Crespo, traveled to Guatemala and had the opportunity to meet her. During the visit, Ángela Karina showed them her home garden and a small chicken coop that provides food for family consumption. In addition, she told them that the development of this orchard has been a success, so her intention is to continue working on it to expand it and be able to produce more quality products.

In this project in which Ángela Karina has participated, we have worked in collaboration with agricultural promoters who have carried out comprehensive support activities for people like her, in order to empower and train them as agricultural producers. In this way, the value of the community, the care of natural resources and the development of self-management skills are promoted.

Thanks to the support of these agricultural promoters and the efforts of the participants and their families, together, we have managed to contribute to food security and improved nutrition of the population of the communities of the Department of Totonicapán, paying special attention to minors. and women in situations of nutritional vulnerability.


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