10 January, 2024
The VII Congress on Human Rights will vindicate cultural rights

The VII International Congress on Human Rights, “Human Rights and Culture”, will be held on February 1 and 2, 2024 at the Bar Association of Valencia. 

This project, carried out together with the Mainel Foundation, is sponsored by the Generalitat Valenciana and the City Council of Valencia and the collaboration of seven academic, associative and cultural entities of the civil society. 

Cultural Human Rights 

Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that access to culture and the fair remuneration of its professionals are human rights. 

However, cultural rights have lagged behind other human rights, both in their normative development and even in the demand for their fulfillment because they are often perceived as secondary to more vital needs. 

Also, cultural factors have often been neglected in international development cooperation strategies, making it impossible in some cases for the local population to participate properly in the actions and, as a consequence, reducing their effectiveness. 

Congress, awareness-raising and exhibition 

The VII Congress on Human Rights and Culture will be accompanied by awareness-raising activities in several university postgraduate courses and an exhibition of the artist Isidro López Aparicio at the Cultural Center La Nau. 

The overall objective of this project is to make visible the importance of culture, understood as a human right, as well as to promote the necessary inclusion of cultural factors in any action that promotes human development, even in contexts of great material deprivation. Also to reinforce the understanding of culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development, in addition to economic growth, social inclusion and environmental balance. 

Website of the Congress on Human Rights and Culture 

Consult all the information about this congress at https://derechoshumanos.mainel.org/ 

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