23 November, 2023
Students from the EFAS Torrealedua and El Campico reflect on the rural reality and women in Peru

On November 21 and 22, students from the Torrealedua and El Campico Agrarian Family Schools (EFAS) participated in awareness-raising sessions organized by the Social Promotion Foundation. The objective was to raise awareness about the rural reality in Peru, paying special attention to the situation of women.

The Social Promotion Foundation prioritizes raising awareness about the situation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the countries where it carries out rural development and food security projects, paying special attention to the situation of women, particularly among young people in rural areas. in Spain.

For this reason, it directs its Development Education and Awareness activities to EFAS students, whose mission focuses on training for the improvement of rural areas.

From this perspective, we seek to raise awareness among the students of the Agrarian Family Schools about the importance of the 2030 Development Agenda, generating interest, commitment and reflection around the SDGs and the need to act to achieve citizenship committed to a more fair and sustainable.

These sessions were carried out within the framework of one of our cooperation projects financed by the Generalitat Valenciana, specifically in the Chipuluc Microbasin (Cutervo). This project aims to promote sustainable rural development with gender equity in vulnerable rural communities (see the latest report on the progress of the project here).

The sessions focused specifically on the Sustainable Development Goals “Decent work and economic growth” (SDG 8) and “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” (SDG 5), which are central to the project.

These days also marked the beginning of the second edition of the drawings and short stories contest “Your creativity as a speaker 2023“, aimed at the educational community of Agrarian Family Schools (EFA). Its objective is to give greater visibility and promote greater knowledge about inclusive and sustainable economic growth, as well as decent work for women in Peru.

In addition, it provides the opportunity to students in rural environments of the EFAS to be agents of awareness towards the rest of their classmates and their environment. In short, it seeks to promote values, critical thinking and active participation in a cooperation project that results in the improvement of collective self-esteem, as well as the commitment to changing the environment.

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