8 June, 2023
FAO and Civil Society Organizations join forces to ensure global food security

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has had a long history of collaboration with non-state actors to fulfill its mandate and enhance its capacity to improve food security and nutrition and the livelihoods of the most vulnerable of the world, and to contribute to achieving the SDGs and the aspiration of the 2030 Agenda to «Leave no one behind». 

Among these collaborations, the “FAO Strategy for partnerships with civil society organizations” and its “Strategic Framework 2022-31” recognize the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) and the creation of alliances as essential, due to their technical knowledge, their proximity to communities affected by food insecurity, land loss and hunger, as well as their extensive presence on the ground. 

In this sense, FAO has considered the creation of a global, participatory and transparent forum in collaboration with CSOs, to collaborate more strategically. 

In preparation for it, a preliminary consultation was held on June 6 and 7, 2023, at FAO headquarters, with the aim of discussing its possible scope and design. This dialogue has had the participation of Mr. QU Dongyu, Director General of FAO, and CSOs from around the world, among which was the Social Promotion Foundation, represented by Rossella Miranda, delegate in Rome. 

During the same, they have explored ways to improve their participation and achieve greater effectiveness, both on the ground and in regional and global forums. This joint effort seeks to strengthen collaboration between FAO and civil society organizations, in order to more effectively challenges related to food security and promote a sustainable future for all. 

More information: FAO – News: Director-General applauds collaboration with civil society organizations in the fight to achieve food security 


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