18 December, 2018
Merry Christmas!

One more year, from Social Promotion, we wish you a Merry Christmas and New Year, reiterating our gratitude to all those who in some way contribute with our work, to reach so many people who need our help in the world.

This Christmas, the Foundation appeals again to your generosity to support Venezuelan women, with its campaign “SOS Venezuela. Education: antidote against the crisis and source of peace”, with the aim of preventing them from abandoning their education due to lack of resources.

In any context of humanitarian crisis, women and girls are especially vulnerable to suffer its negative effects. Therefore, given the current situation in Venezuela, guaranteeing the training of women is to guarantee a source of income generation for their families, their empowerment and their inclusion and participation in society, as well as promoting their autonomy and preventing them from situations of gender violence.

We invite you, therefore, to learn more about this campaign and to collaborate with us, at this time of year when there is always a more obvious memory for those who are in a situation of greater vulnerability.

“SOS Venezuela. Education: antidote against the crisis and source of peace”

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