26 January, 2024
Selene’s improved kitchen: a step towards health and equality in Cajamarca (Peru)


Selene Sánchez Cubas lives in Cutervo, one of the communities that make up the Chipuluc Microbasin, in the department of Cajamarca (Peru).

Together with her family, she has had the opportunity to participate in a project that we are developing in this area together with the Rural School of Education and Health (ESCAES) and with the support of the Regional Government of Valencia and also thanks to your collaboration.

Thus, together, we are working to promote rural population access to the right to adequate and sustainable food. This initiative, which includes agricultural and rural development actions, has a strong inclusive approach, to promote women’s full access to resources and decision-making.

Specifically, Selene and her family have received the training and help necessary to build and improved kitchen in their home.

As she herself says, before this reform, they had to consume a lot of firewood and spend a lot of time cooking. Furthermore, the conditions of the kitchen were detrimental to the family’s health, since a considerable amount of smoke accumulated in the house, also putting the safety of the children at risk, who were exposed to the danger of being burned.

In this way, Selene reports that through this project and the construction of the improved kitchen she can enjoy a better quality of life and healthier, more hygienic and safer conditions in her own home. Furthermore, she explains that the vision of gender equality that they have discovered within the framework of this program has also helped women gain independence and the ability to participate, as well as men to become more involved in household chores.

Thanks to this Project, which we are developing in Peru, families like Selene’s are having a real opportunity to receive training and help to build a better present and future for themselves.

You collaborate, they build, we all win.

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