13 July, 2021
The last session of the educating for peace project in Lebanon was given to the parents of the students of the Paradis d’Enfants school

The topic of the session was supposed to be “non-violent communication” but because the parents are going through difficult times due to the pandemic and, more importantly, the economic crisis that started back in October 2019, and left the majority of them unemployed or on a half salary basis, they feel desperate.

Therefore they asked the school to have a debate session instead, where they can share their concerns and express their feelings about the future of their families.

Furthermore, when they heard that the Pope might be visiting Lebanon they asked their trainer to help them to write a letter to Pope Francis asking him to pray for their country in these difficult times.

Letter: English and French versions

The project, funded by the Mondo Unito Foundation, aims to prevent violence, foster cultural pluralism and promote civic education in Lebanon through conflict resolution work with students, teachers and parents in schools.

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