7 July, 2023
Our Project in Joya Grande, Guatemala, promotes the economic development and nutrition of 130 families of the Kakchiquel ethnic group

El proyecto que actualmente tenemos en marcha en Joya Grande, en el municipio de Zaragoza, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, tiene como objetivo principal fortalecer el acceso a la alimentación y promover el desarrollo económico de 130 familias de escasos recursos pertenecientes a la etnia kakchiquel. Para alcanzar este objetivo, trabajamos junto con nuestro socio local, Fundación para el Desarrollo Integral (FUDI), y contamos con el apoyo financiero de la Generalitat Valenciana.

The main objective of the project that we currently have underway in Joya Grande, in the municipality of Zaragoza, Chimaltenango, Guatemala, is to strengthen access to food and promote the economic development of 130 low-income families belonging to the Kakchiquel ethnic group. To achieve this goal, we work together with our local partner, FUDI, and we have the financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana. 

Our strategy focuses, primarily, on the development of productive projects, which include the creation of poultry farms and agricultural plots. 

In the months of May and June, after a period of technical training, their execution began. To establish agricultural plots with crops with high nutritional value and potential for adaptation and commercialization, the beginning of the winter season in the country was taken advantage of, avoiding the season of low rainfall. Likewise, poultry farms were established, considering the availability of laying birds and the acquisition of materials for the construction of chicken coops. 

During the process, technical visits have been carried out to guide producers on the best agricultural and environmentally friendly practices. Training has also been provided in marketing and fund management. 

On the other hand, a comprehensive health and nutrition program has been launched to improve the quality of life of the communities. 

For this purpose, intense work has been done to strengthen the capacities of families, especially with regard to nutritional improvement, with a particular focus on the child population, designing a series of activities between the months of Septiembre 2022 and April 2023. : 

  1. Three training sessions for the beneficiaries on health and nutrition issues.
  2. Three medical-nutritional days to provide care to families, with a special focus on children under 5 years of age. During these days, multivitamins, medications, nutritional supplies and household cleaning supplies are provided.
  3.  Early stimulation workshops for three months, serving all children acording to their age group. 
  4. Home visits to monitor compliance with medical and nutritional recommendations, as well as identify the specific needs of each family and guarantee hygiene in the homes, which has included the improvement of floors, the installation of water filters, improved stoves and latrines, among others.

In addition, beneficiary women have been trained on the importance of eliminating smoke from their homes. Doctors used audiovisual material to illustrate the implications of smoke on human health and how it can cause illness. Workshops have also been held on water purification and the importance of consuming purified water. 

The combination of all these activities represents a contribution to improving the quality of life of the families of Joya Grande and promoting their economic and nutritional development. 

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