13 July, 2023
“Goal 2030: Nicaragua”, an initiative that generates social commitment among young people from Madrid

“Goal 2030: Nicaragua”, an initiative that generates social commitment among young people from Madrid 

The Social Promotion Foundation considers education and awareness-raising essential to foster social awareness and solidarity, especially among young people. If you understand the challenges facing humanity and you are aware of your ability to create change, there is certainly hope for a better future. 

For this reason, we have collaborated with three schools in Madrid: Los Tilos, Los Olmos and María Inmaculada Mogambo, through the “Goal 2030: Nicaragua” initiative, to raise awareness and dialogue with 1st and 2nd year ESO students about the SDGs. and the 2030 Agenda, not as abstract and unattainable goals, but by showing them their real application through a project we carried out in Diriamba, Nicaragua. 

This project, carried out together with our local partner Asociación Nicaragüense de Educación y Cultura (ANDECU) and with financing from the Madrid City Council, aims to contribute to the reduction of poverty and hunger, promoting the economic autonomy of women, equality of rights and food security. 

The awareness sessions have awakened the interest of young people in the reality of the country and the activities developed within the framework of the project, which seek to improve it. This is achieved through the rational exploitation of the land spaces around the homes, promoting family farming. Thanks to this, women have greater access to the means of agricultural production and active control of resources. In addition, it generates surpluses of agricultural production, which in turn increases economic income through its commercialization. As a result, malnutrition levels in communities decrease. At the same time, women’s capacities are strengthened through their training in rights and knowledge of the routes to access justice to prevent violence. 

Likewise, these sessions have motivated students to consider what they can do in their daily lives to contribute to building a more sustainable world, where we can all enjoy decent living conditions. 

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