The project aims to contribute to a climate of peace, through the construction of a healthy economic and social model, based on training and personal effort, and the involvement of young people in solving problems and the growth of a caring society. and integrative. To achieve the general objective, three specific objectives have been set: 1.	Encourage the professional orientation of 30 young women a year so that they choose educational paths taking into account the needs of the country, as well as a reflective knowledge of their capacities. 2.	Educate 40 young women a year in the values of inclusive and open citizenship and train them for the social improvement of their current environment. 3.	Strengthen the capacities of 30 adult women a year to create spaces of peace in their families, sharing a family project based on the responsibility of all family members and training them to make their homes schools of values.

The project aims to contribute to a climate of peace, through the construction of a healthy economic and social model, based on training and personal effort, and the involvement of young people in solving problems and the growth of a caring society. and integrative. To achieve the general objective, three specific objectives have been set: 1. Encourage the professional orientation of 30 young women a year so that they choose educational paths taking into account the needs of the country, as well as a reflective knowledge of their capacities. 2. Educate 40 young women a year in the values of inclusive and open citizenship and train them for the social improvement of their current environment. 3. Strengthen the capacities of 30 adult women a year to create spaces of peace in their families, sharing a family project based on the responsibility of all family members and training them to make their homes schools of values.

The project aims to contribute to a climate of peace, through the construction of a healthy economic and social model, based on training and personal effort, and the involvement of young people in solving problems and the growth of a caring society. and integrative....